Following the conclusion of our previous Strategic Plan, we held a strategic planning meeting, as technical staff and the PELUM Eswatini Board to begin the process of crafting our strategic plan for the next 5 years.
In this forum, PELUM Eswatini discussed the future plans of the organization, which interventions are going to help us achieve our vision and mission in the coming years.
The process was facilitated by an expert consultant who has been tasked with compiling this important document for the network. One of the key activities that were done during the meeting was the SWOT analysis of PELUM Eswatini, which highlighted areas that we need to strengthen as well as opportunities and threats that can hinder our progress as we work towards achieving our objectives.
The overall session proved quite enlightening and it is anticipated that the Strategic Plan will be inclusive of all intervention that will help farmers achieve improved livelihoods through the promotion of ecological land use management.