Our Work

  • PELUM Eswatini Strategic Themes, Goals, and Objectives 2021 – 2025

4.1 Strategic Pillars 2021 – 2025

Through the situational analysis conducted by PELUM Eswatini Association during its planning process, Four (4) strategic pillars or focus areas were identified for pursuit in the next five years, 2021 – 2025.

  1. Programs and Services
  2. Partnerships and Working relations
  3. Organizational Growth and Financial Sustainability of the organization.
  4. Entrepreneurship and marketing campaign

Being a relatively new Organization, the strategic themes have been developed from the previous strategic plan with some minor changes/improvements for the next five years. Hence, therefore, the strategic themes/pillars for PELUM Eswatini’s strategic plan to be pursued in the next five years (2021 – 2025) are as follows:

4.1.1 Programs and Services

This pillar focuses on the programs and services that PELUM Eswatini will offer to its Member Organisations and communities as a whole. The underlying assumption of this strategic pillar is that the PELUM Eswatini programs and services to the members and communities shall be effective, and the members shall be empowered to become better in delivery on their mandates compared to the previous five years.

It is envisaged that the empowered member organizations shall be better able to build the resilience of farming communities in the four regions of the country, operate more sustainably, promote sustainable farming systems, and subsequently strongly promote the development of Agriculture Markets and advocate for small scale farmers development.

It is further anticipated that proper implementation of this Strategic pillar will make PELUM Eswatini a very strong base to enhance its impact in the country because of the strong membership and small-scale farmers on the ground effectively and efficiently pursuing the Vision and Mission of the Association with the same understanding and purpose.

4.1.2 Partnerships and Working Relations

This strategic pillar focuses on strengthening PELUM Eswatini’s partnerships and methods of working. The underlying assumptions for this pillar are that PELUM Eswatini will form inter and intra-partnerships that will be very strategic, and the partnerships shall follow a framework that is functional and which will result in better working relationships. When effectively managed, it is assumed that this will increase unified support to farming communities.

This pillar will also entail having enhanced engagements with relevant and diverse stakeholders for much strong and more effective collaboration and networking.

Proper implementation of this strategic pillar by PELUM Eswatini in the next five years is envisaged to leave the Association with a much wider and very strong network that will not only help in strengthening the Organisation but also ensure that PELUM Eswatini will positively impact thousands of community-based small scale farmers for many years even beyond the scope of this strategic plan.

4.1.3 Organizational Growth and Financial Sustainability

This strategic pillar focuses on ensuring organizational growth and effectiveness by addressing the way organizations function strengthening PELUM Eswatini’s financial capacity. It is assumed that if PELUM Eswatini sets up an institutionalized financing strategy, and is able to acquire stronger competencies in financing and financial management, then this will result in increased and sustained funding for its work from diversified sources. It is further anticipated that this will in turn benefit the member organizations who are also struggling financially to sustain the work they are doing.

This pillar will bring a positive change in this aspect by developing and strengthening PELUM Eswatini’s resource mobilization capacity, setting up a financial sustainability plan, and initiating, engaging, and sustaining strategic funding partnerships from within the country and beyond borders.

Proper implementation of this pillar in the next five years will also enable PELUM Eswatini and its membership to sustain and sustain sustainability funds that will keep the organization going in dry financial seasons.

This will not only focus on PELUM Eswatini alone but the whole membership of the organization. The underlying assumption for this pillar is that stronger governance of Institutions is essential for effective organizational growth and performance.

PELUM Eswatini will possibly achieve this by emphasizing strong competencies among the member Organizations, Country Board of Directors, Management team, and Staff, which will in turn translate into fully functional structures, systems, and equipment, thus triggering stronger growth in membership, and a clearer understanding of PELUM Eswatini and what it stands for.

Through this strategic pillar, PELUM Eswatini stands to positively impact its member Organizations by helping them to have well-trained and effective Boards, Management, and Staff.

4.1.4 Entrepreneurship and Marketing

This strategic pillar focuses on strengthening the entrepreneurship and Marketing skills of PELUM Eswatini and its Member Organizations. The underlying hypothesis of this pillar is that if the Entrepreneurship and Marketing skills services of PELUM Eswatini to its members are effective, the members will be empowered to better deliver economic growth amongst the farming communities in the country.

It is anticipated that the empowered member organizations with entrepreneurial and marketing skills will be able to build a strong and viable economic activity among the small-scale farmers at the community level, hence increasing the sustainability of the agro-ecological farming systems in the country

4.2 Strategic Goals and Objectives

For each of the strategic pillars, broad strategic goals have been agreed, upon to transact beyond the five-year period, guiding the strategic direction and focus of PELUM Eswatini, subject to review as the situation changes.

Flowing from the strategic goals, strategic objectives outlining the short to medium–term specific intentions for achievement have been identified.

  • Programmes and Services

PELUM Eswatini with programmes and services that strengthen members’ capacities to build the resilience of farming communities in the period of 2021 – 2026.

  • PELUM Eswatini is promoting sustainable Farming systems i.e. seed security, climate resilience, agro-ecology, and indigenous knowledge of food and agriculture.
  • There will also be a promotion of agriculture market development i.e. agricultural financing, value chain development, quality, and standards.
  • Influencing policies on agriculture i.e. policy research, and advocacy engagement.
  • Partnership and Working Relations

PELUM Eswatini with relevant and effective working partnerships and relations in the period 2021 – 2026.

  • Shall develop an elaborate and functional partnership framework.
  • To ensure competencies for effective partnership management.
  • Encourage, promote, and strengthen the partnership programme.
  • Organizational Growth and Financial Sustainability

PELUM Eswatini functioning efficiently and effectively as an organization in the period 2021 – 2025. Furthermore, to function well and carry out its programmes and projects, PELUM Eswatini requires a sustainable financial base that will meet its operational as well as programme costs.

This will require the development of a good resource mobilization strategy that will identify potential sources of funding in the area of natural resource management and other areas in which PELUM Eswatini is involved. It will also explore other areas of potential funding such as the private sector, fundraising activities, and in-country sources.

Building internal capacities of member organizations will ensure that members have the capacity to carry out programmes more effectively and engage with stakeholders to influence decision-making. To achieve this support will be towards enhancing the understanding of PELUM and related topics that may also be cross-cutting, as well as facilitating training to enhance the internal capacities of member organizations to be able to effectively manage and run programmes and projects, and advocate for policies that will support their needs. 


  • Ensure a strong membership (governance, financial, sustainability M&E, etc.)
  • Ensure an effective and functioning Country Board and management.
  • Ensure adequate, relevant, and functional systems (Knowledge management, ICT, etc.)
  • Ensure adequate equipment and physical resources.
  • Ensure adequate competent and well-motivated staff.
  • Develop and operationalize a financing strategy.
  • Develop and enhance competencies in financing.
  • Strengthen internal capacities and processes of the secretariat
  • Develop strategic partnerships to enhance visibility and influence on agriculture and related issues.